วันศุกร์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Policy on Recruitment of Secondary 1 and Secondary 4 Students

After some discussion at the seminar on policy on recruitment of new students for the next academic year we have arrived at the following conclusions:

1. The use of  Ordinary National Education Test (O-NET) as a requirement for recruitment has been necessary because the ministry has put more emphasis on the academic standard. Schools will be encouraged to make a more educational effort to enhance their students excellence so that they can manage to master the O-NET. Parents and students will recognize the importance of pupils ' academic performance with the result that they will spend more time studying relevant materials and preparing themselves.
2. Concerning the new measure to reduce a chance for students within a catchment area to continue their study in popular schools, the OBEC's proposal does not get any support from the meeting. The committee argues that the OBEC's measure may result in a reduction of equal opportunity for the students in the catchment areas.
3. Clarification of the meaning of catchment area of famous and more competitive schools should be made to prevent different interpretation.
4.The meeting unanimously agrees with the OBEC's proposal to include an essay type test in the admission tests.

5. As for problems of small school management, there has been a call for a more elaborate analysis to identify if the small school is a weakness or strength. Would it be possible for a paradigm shift at a higher echelon of educational administration so that small schools are encouraged, inspired and empowered to create the modest but excellent schools in this country?

