วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

A Visit To Cherntawan Meditation Center in Chiangrai

It was 2 PM on 5th November 2015 when we started from the airport towards Rai Cherntawan International Meditation Centre in Chiangrai.
When we arrived at the place, we first visited the Hall of master arts and experienced the collection. I show you one of the interesting pieces below. It is the picture of the founder of a famous national artist from Chiangrai depicted with the Lord Buddha's image and that of the Rev. Buddhadasa, one of the renounced figures recognized by UNESCO.

                  หอศิลป์ ว.วชิรเมธี

ที่ปรากฏกางร่มอยู่คือศิษย์เก่าคณะรัฐศาสตร์      มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์

The Centre was established in 2011 to promote the following four missions:
1) To encourage education among the general public with an emphasis on youths;
2) Better understanding of Buddhism at local and international arenas;
3) Social development i.e. Setting up a Buddhist Economic College;
4) Promote international peace by way of training of meditation practice to both Thais and foreigners. 
The founder of the Centre believes "personal peace is an integral input to world peace". As there has been an increase in the numbers of participants, there is a rapid need for more appropriate and convenient accommodation and training facilities with the result that the Centre needs to embark on this project.

The project has three objectives:
1) To spread out more meditation practice and right actions;
2) To promote  Vipassana Kammadhana which is the core principle of the Lord Buddha's teaching;
3)To better accommodate an increasing number of participants.
What the institution expects to spend in achieving the goals is estimated 25 million Baht.
For more information, please follow the link below.  http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NHYY31T8CD8&autoplay=1

