Education, Agriculture and Development in Sub-Mekong Region with an intention to bring more attention to the relationship between the peripheries and the core area aka rural and urban relation.
วันจันทร์ที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Khut Nam Kin Park in Kalasin
กินน้ำกุด ที่กุดน้ำกิน
Khut Nam Kin, The Park That Has Got Its Name after the Function it Performs
ลำน้ำปาวก่อนสร้างเขื่อนลำปาวนั้น ไหลจากเหนือลงใต้ มาที่เมืองกาฬสินธุ์ ก่อนที่จะเดินหน้าสู่ลำ แม่น้ำชี (Chi River) ลงสู่ แม่น้ำโขง
ระหว่างทางจากต้นน้ำที่อำเภอกุมภวาปี จังหวัดอุดรธานี้ แม่น้ำที่ไหลหลากในฤดูฝนก็ล้นฝั่งไหลเข้าไปกักขังในที่ลุ่มในภูมิประเทศ
กุดใดที่น้ำที่ขังอยู่นานมีสภาพใสเย็น มีแสงแดดส่องลงไปได้ลึก น้ำที่กักเก็บไว้ก็ถูกแสงแดดปรับสภาพน้ำ เป็นเช่นนี้นานๆเข้าน้ำก็สะอาดเหมือนกับช่ืืื่อ โครงการน้ำสะอาดในชนบท ของกระทรวงมหาดไทย ในสมัยเริ่มต้นการพัฒนาประเทศ
ในสมัยโบราณนั้น บ้านเมืองของเรายังไม่มีสารปนเปื้อนมากมายเช่นในปัจจุบัน น้ำในกุดแห่งนี้ ก็สามารถนำไปใช้ในการบริโภคและอุปโภคได้ คือกินก็ได้ ใช้ก็ได้นั่นเอง กุดบางแห่งรสชาติของน้ำอร่อย กินดี คนก็นิยมตักไปกักเก็บไว้กิน นานเข้าคนจึงขนานนามพื้นที่ลุ่มที่มีน้ำขังดังกล่าวตามท้องเรื่องว่า กุดน้ำกิน ดังนี้เป็นต้น
ก็เลยเป็นชื่อของ สวนสาธารณะกุดน้ำกิน
มีการบันทึกไว้ในหนังสือ เรื่องเยาวชนเล่าผู้เฒ่าบอก ซึ่ง คุณตาถนัด ฆารประเดิมกับเด็กหญิงผกามาศ ภูสมหมาย บอกว่ามีการริเริ่มทำถนนลูกรังรอบกุดแห่งนี้ ตั้งแต่ปี 2505 จากนั้น หน่วยการปกครองท้องถิ่นในนามว่าเทศบาลเมืองกาฬสินธุ์ ก็ตั้งงบประมาณพัฒนามาเป็นลำดับลำดา โดยระบุว่านายจรัส กมลเพชร นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองกาฬสินธุ์ และนายวิบูลย์ วิบูลย์ชัย ผู้ตรวจการส่วนท้องถิ่นจังหวัดกาฬสินธุ์ เป็นผู้ริเริ่ม
นอกจาก ถนนคอนกรีตรอบกุด ก็มีทางเดินและลู่วิ่งเลียบน้ำความยาวราวกิโลเมตรเศษที่หนุ่มสาวชอบมาวิ่งออกกำลังกายทั้งเช้าๆและเย็นๆ มีศาลาทรงไทยสำหรับนั่งพักผ่อน มีศาลาอำนวยการที่ใช้เป็นกองอำนวยการยามมีงานการแสดงในเทศกาลต่างๆ เช่น งานลอยกกระทง และงานสงกรานต์ นอกจากนี้ยังมีไฟฟ้าส่องสว่างตามถนนและในสวน
ที่สำคัญอีกประการหนึ่ง คือ มีน้ำพุที่เปิดโชว์เป็นครั้งคราวในยามเย็น ยามค่ำคืน และเวลามีงานเทศกาล
น้ำพุนี้ ทำให้นึกถึง บรรยากาศทะเลสาบที่กรุงเจนีวา (Geneva)


ยิ่งกว่านั้น ยังมีอาคารออกกำลังกายพร้อมอุปกรณ์ฟิตเนส ซึ่งอาคารนี้สามารถปรับเป็นสถานที่แสดงนิทรรศการเล็กๆได้ ทั้งยังมีสวนสาธารณะบนแหลมหรือคาบสมุทรน้อยๆยื่นออกไปในน่านน้ำ และมีลานจอดรถขนาดย่อมๆรองรับผู้มาใช้บริการได้จำนวนมากพอสมควร
นอกจากนี้ ริมถนนรอบๆกุดมีร้านอาหารอีสาน ร้านอาหารฝรั่ง สถานบริการ ประเภทสปาและกาแฟ คาร์แคร์ ก็มี
ที่น่าสนใจอีกอย่างก็คือมีมูลนิธิแสงเทียนส่องตั้งอยู่ในบ้านโบราณหลังใหญ่ ซึ่งบริเวณกว้างขวาง ที่และสำคัญ ย่านการค้าระดับ Central Business District (CBD) ใกล้ๆกับกุดน้ำกินนี้ ยังมีโรงแรมระดับห้าดาว และโรงแรมสามดาว ที่พัก อพาร์ตเมนท์ รวมทั้งที่ตั้ง สถานีขนส่งจังหวัด kalasin-bus-station/4d6602b6c8dbec4a2ba1eacc และสถานบันเทิงชื่อดังของจังหวัดอีกด้วย
วันศุกร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
คืนนี้วันที่ 18 ธันวาคม 2557
เป็นวันที่นายกเหล่ากาชาดจัดกิจกรรม Thank You Party
ตั้งแต่ต้นปีงบประมาณ 2557
ลองดูภาพจาก Video นี้นะครับ
เป็นวันที่นายกเหล่ากาชาดจัดกิจกรรม Thank You Party
ตั้งแต่ต้นปีงบประมาณ 2557
ลองดูภาพจาก Video นี้นะครับ
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Kalasin Red Cross Thank You Party
I was lucky to attend the Thank You Party organized by the Chapter of Red Cross in Kalasin. It was at the Governor's residence in the heart of the province.There was plenty of food provided by government departments and business sector. One of many enjoyable activities was the dancing performed by the students of the Kalasin College of Fine Arts. From the pictures, you can see the Governor enjoyed singing some lovely songs.

วันพุธที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
More Research and Development Encouraged
The Government will allocate more research and development budget in 2016; a Deputy PM is reported to have said in an interview. This policy is a Grand Challenge the Deputy Prime Minister Yongyoot Youthawong said yesterday.
This development is in line with the principles mentioned in Think And Grow Rich or สูตรลับสร้างความรวยของลูกอีสาน ที่ตอนหนึ่งกล่าวถึง การพัฒนาตนเอง ว่า ต้องประกอบด้วย
การเงิน และ
และเน้นย้ำว่า หากขาดการวิจัยและพัฒนา บริษัทส่วนตัวของทุกคนก็จะหยุดชะงักลง
This development is in line with the principles mentioned in Think And Grow Rich or สูตรลับสร้างความรวยของลูกอีสาน ที่ตอนหนึ่งกล่าวถึง การพัฒนาตนเอง ว่า ต้องประกอบด้วย
การเงิน และ
และเน้นย้ำว่า หากขาดการวิจัยและพัฒนา บริษัทส่วนตัวของทุกคนก็จะหยุดชะงักลง
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
วันพุธที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
National Police Administrative Council
The proposed council is to comprise Chiefs of governmental departments responsible for security and those responsible for justice, human right commissioners and authorities elected from amongst representatives and senators.The national police administration will be along decentralization principle consisting of regional and local police together with police attached to departments related to the specific duties.Each of these organizations will involve people 's participation to foster effectiveness in national police administration.
วันอังคารที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Pak Khat district of Bueng Khan is an agropolitan district on the bank of the Mekong
Para rubber produces farmers bring to a daily marketplace I have come across when I drive from Pak Khat district to Bueng Khan on the 15th of October 2014
Welcome to Hor Khum Municipality
Before I left for Bueng Khan via Hor Kham Municipality, the man on my left approached me and asked,
" Sir, you are a former Nai Amphoe of Pak Khat? "
He was once an assistant village headman for the security affair in the Amphoe.
He has got sharp eyes because though I had left Pak Khat for 15 years, he still remembers a former Nai Amphoe.
If he still worked for the government, he would have received a monthly allowance of 5,000 Baht. Right now he works in this marketplace.
วันพุธที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557
227 takes you from Phang Khon to Kalasin
I was not sure I took the right turn, but the number at this electric pole confirmed that I made the right choice.
The number plate is not a big one, and you do not need a big pole to hold the plate. You might use a smaller one, and it is not necessary for you to use any poles to support the number plate because you can coordinate with the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) so that you can put the small number plate on an electric pole.
I saw this kind of cooperation between organizations when I visited New Zealand a few years ago. We can call this one of "best practices." The practice that you may use to enhance your service performances.
Thanks to you the Department of Highway, Ministry of Transport and Communications.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557
Thai Restuarants Established in Stockholm
I am curious why Thais like to go to Thai restuarants when they travel to foreign countries. Even me myself also want to go to Thai restarants in the UK,USA, The Netherlands,France, Germany, New Zealand and

Towards Stockholm, Sweden: Policies at the core area and their effects at the periphery

More campaign strategies
The boy who took my picture told me the poster says something about schools to both the sky and the earth. I understand that the party wants to make education for both the rich and the poor, meaning that those who can afford expensive education can pursue their dreams; but at the same time the ordinary and the disadvantaged are assured of equality of education as well.
วันพุธที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557
Denmark's Amalienborg Palace

เช้าวันที่ 12 กันยายน 2557 เราจะมาถ่ายรูปที่นี่นะครับ
เราเดินทางมาที่สนามบินเฮลซิงกิที่ เมืองชื่อ หวานตา ( Helsinki Airport at Vaanta, Finland)
จากสนามบินแห่งนี้ เราขึ้นเครื่องต่อมาที่ Copenhagen ที่จุดนี้ เราพักแรมคืนที่โรงแรม Nordic รุ่งเช้าวันพรุ่งนี้เราจะไปชมน้ำพุ Gefion fountain และ Queen residence
Professor Naiyana at the Palace
Travellers are busy reading and searching for more and more information
วันศุกร์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Policy on Recruitment of Secondary 1 and Secondary 4 Students
After some discussion at the seminar on policy on recruitment of new students for the next academic year we have arrived at the following conclusions:
1. The use of Ordinary National Education Test (O-NET) as a requirement for recruitment has been necessary because the ministry has put more emphasis on the academic standard. Schools will be encouraged to make a more educational effort to enhance their students excellence so that they can manage to master the O-NET. Parents and students will recognize the importance of pupils ' academic performance with the result that they will spend more time studying relevant materials and preparing themselves.
2. Concerning the new measure to reduce a chance for students within a catchment area to continue their study in popular schools, the OBEC's proposal does not get any support from the meeting. The committee argues that the OBEC's measure may result in a reduction of equal opportunity for the students in the catchment areas.
3. Clarification of the meaning of catchment area of famous and more competitive schools should be made to prevent different interpretation.
4.The meeting unanimously agrees with the OBEC's proposal to include an essay type test in the admission tests.
5. As for problems of small school management, there has been a call for a more elaborate analysis to identify if the small school is a weakness or strength. Would it be possible for a paradigm shift at a higher echelon of educational administration so that small schools are encouraged, inspired and empowered to create the modest but excellent schools in this country?
1. The use of Ordinary National Education Test (O-NET) as a requirement for recruitment has been necessary because the ministry has put more emphasis on the academic standard. Schools will be encouraged to make a more educational effort to enhance their students excellence so that they can manage to master the O-NET. Parents and students will recognize the importance of pupils ' academic performance with the result that they will spend more time studying relevant materials and preparing themselves.
2. Concerning the new measure to reduce a chance for students within a catchment area to continue their study in popular schools, the OBEC's proposal does not get any support from the meeting. The committee argues that the OBEC's measure may result in a reduction of equal opportunity for the students in the catchment areas.
3. Clarification of the meaning of catchment area of famous and more competitive schools should be made to prevent different interpretation.
4.The meeting unanimously agrees with the OBEC's proposal to include an essay type test in the admission tests.
5. As for problems of small school management, there has been a call for a more elaborate analysis to identify if the small school is a weakness or strength. Would it be possible for a paradigm shift at a higher echelon of educational administration so that small schools are encouraged, inspired and empowered to create the modest but excellent schools in this country?
วันพุธที่ 2 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Educational Reform in the Age of NCPO
According to the Permanent Secretary for The Ministry of Education, Dr. Suthasee Wongsamarn, a draft Road Map for Educational Reform has been proposed for the approval of the NCPO yesterday. The road map was a result of a discussion by the agencies concerning the framework of educational reform.The framework proposed are as follows:
1. A framework for teachers reform aiming at the restructure of educational personnel administration;
2. A framework for equal distribution of educational opportunities and quality emphasizing the improvement of the management of a long distance learning system; building a strong network of schools; solving the problems of small schools; restructuring school finance with an intention to emphasize educational equality and quality.
3. A framework for educational administration reform emphasizing decentralization of management; focusing more on restructuring of the ministry policy and financial system together with accountability and transparency;
4.A framework for educational development with more emphasis on factors of production, especially the reform in human resources development;
5.A frame of learning system change focusing on development of classroom practices, modern basic education reform emphasizing civil society, morality, and ethics;
6.A framework for the restructuring of applying of technologies for educational purposes.
Contributions from interesting participants are welcome in a forum to be held on 19 July 2014 at the Ministry of Education.
For more information and contribution, please visit the secretariat for this affair at;
1. A framework for teachers reform aiming at the restructure of educational personnel administration;
2. A framework for equal distribution of educational opportunities and quality emphasizing the improvement of the management of a long distance learning system; building a strong network of schools; solving the problems of small schools; restructuring school finance with an intention to emphasize educational equality and quality.
3. A framework for educational administration reform emphasizing decentralization of management; focusing more on restructuring of the ministry policy and financial system together with accountability and transparency;
4.A framework for educational development with more emphasis on factors of production, especially the reform in human resources development;
5.A frame of learning system change focusing on development of classroom practices, modern basic education reform emphasizing civil society, morality, and ethics;
6.A framework for the restructuring of applying of technologies for educational purposes.
Contributions from interesting participants are welcome in a forum to be held on 19 July 2014 at the Ministry of Education.
For more information and contribution, please visit the secretariat for this affair at;
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557
Modern Kalasin Province Was Established In 1947.
In the celebration, there was a ceremony to pay homage to Chaisoontorn monument, the life-size standing monument of the leader who led his followers from the other side of The Mekong two centuries and two decades ago to set up a new settlement near the fertile Kaeng Samrong area some 165 kilometers from the International River.
This new home has become present Kalasin City in Kalasin Province.
In the reign of King Rama 1 of The Chakri Dynasty, the time when the nation's policy of centralization needed more emphasis, the Kaeng Samrong leader, then under the name of Chao Somphamit, took part in Bangkok ceremony to pledge allegiance to the center. The King conferred Chao Somphamit the new position of Phaya Chaisoontorn to govern the Kaeng Samrong settlement which was upgraded to Kalasin which means black water to describe the sufficient quality of the water and the fertility of the soils in Kaeng Samrong swamp.
Later on, during the significant administrative reform and 110-years-of-the-reform-of-thai-bureaucracy in the reign of King Rama 5th, Kalasin was under the administration of Roi-Et region or Monthon Desa Phiban Rio-Et and it enjoyed at that time the position of a province or a Changwat of the region.
However, when the country experienced severe economic difficulty before and after World War 2 cum the great economic recession, the Thai administrative structure was changed to realize an appropriate adaptation to the world crisis.
As a result of this adaptation, Kalasin Province was, in 1933, downsized to a status of an Amphoe or a district under the administration of Maha Sarakham Province, which is on the other side of the Chi River.
Fifteen years later, Kalasin was back to enjoy the status of a province in 1947, two years after the end of World War 2 and one year after the introduction of the Constitutional Monarchy form of government in the country.
Kalasin province nowadays consists of 18 administrative districts or Amphoe which are closely linked to the central government in Bangkok as each district officer or Nai Amphoe has been appointed by The Ministry of Interior to serve under the appointed provincial governor.
An Amphoe comprises of clusters of villages called Tambon aka subdistrict. In Kalasin, there are now around 140 Tambon. Each Tambon has an indirectly elected Kamnan as a Tambon chief.
The lowest tier of administrative units in the Amphoe, below the Tambon, is the village aka Moo Baan. A village head is called a Phu Yai Baan, meaning a significant person in the community; voters directly elect him to govern the village.
In the past, both Kamnan and Phu Yai Baan had a carefully traditional and official link with the Nai Amphoe according to the vertical chain of command downward from the Interior; but recently the trend has changed with the result that they tend to lean more toward political influences.
There are three forms of local government in Kalasin.
The first form is the biggest one which covers both urban and rural areas of the province. It is the Kalasin Provincial Administration Organization (PAO) aka Or Bor Jor. With a population of nearly one million in 2014, it covers the whole territory of the province consisting of almost 140 Tambon or clusters of villages, widely understood by the name of sub-district.
The locality of the PAO is the same area as the administrative area of the province itself. The PAO's governmental structure consists of a 30 member legislative council and a directly elected president of the PAO as the chief of the executive branch of this local government in the province.
The second form of the local administration in Kalasin is the municipality. There are two levels:
1) More urbanized municipality.The Mueang Kalasin Municipality (also Kalasin Town Municipality or Tesaban Mueang Kalasin) in the capital city of Kalasin and the Mueang Bua Khao Municipality in the capital of Khuchi Narai district are the two local governments in more urbanized communities.
Mueang Kalasin Municipality had enjoyed this status since the introduction of this type of local authorities in Thailand at the time when the government had downsizedKalasin province to a status of an Amphoe under Maha Sarakham province. But the Mueang Bua Khao Municipality has just been upgraded after it's urbanization has reached a particular stage
2) Less urbanized municipality. The 77 less- urbanized communities in the rest of the settlements in the province, especially the one in the capital city of a district, are Tesaban Tambon or Sub-district Municipalities. Some of these municipalities have just been upgraded to a status of Sub-district municipalities recently. For example, in Mueang district, only Nong Kung Tambon Administration Organization remains a Tambon Administration Organization; the rest have been upgraded to enjoy the Tesban Tambon status since 2010.
A Tesaban Muang consists of communities or neighborhoods aka Chum Chon (ชุมชน) while a Tesaban Tambon consists of a group of villages. Each Choomchon has a Chum Chon Administrative Committee responsible for a sort of community affair. Tesaban Mueang Kalasin in 2015, for example, constitutes of 37 communities. Theoretically speaking, a Chumchon administrative committee has been empowered to manage the so-called One Million Village Fund.
The last form of local government in the province is the Tambon Administration Organization (TAO) aka Or Bor Tor. All of the 78 Tambon or sub-districts outside the areas of the two levels of the municipalities in the province mentioned above are under this category of local government.
The president of a TAO is the chief executive of this local government. Voters in the Tambon directly elect him, but the legislative council at this level consists of councilors elected by voters from each village, and each village has two councilors. As such, the number of TAO councilors varies according to the number of the villages in the TAO.
When a TAO becomes more urbanized with a greater financial status and are able to meet some other requirements, it is qualified to seek permission from the Ministry of Interior to upgrade its status to that of a municipality.
In the age of modern Kalasin, there is no area in the province that is outside a local government boundary.
We are, and have been, in a democratic form of local authorities!
วันเสาร์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557
วันศุกร์ที่ 6 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557
Educational Administration In Kalasin: A functional Aspect : Episode 2
Throwing some light to an annual project management report made by The Secondary Educational Service Area (SESA) Office 24 we can view some aspects of educational administration in Kalasin Province.
In a summary report of 2013 - 2014 project management, there are 29 projects designed and implemented by the office.
They are divided into areas as follows:
1.Personnel training;
2.Internal quality assurance;
3.Improving School-based management using six indicators;
4.Training towards AEC: A visit to a sister school;
5.Curriculum development: An appraisal of a school and local development curricula;
6.Supervisor Training;
7.Training of Personal skills in information technology;
8.Development of the Thai language teaching methods;
9.Art and craft fair to support technical expertise;
10.Sport and game events to promote physical education;

11. Live experiences related to principles of self-sufficiency economy; 12.Health education to fight drugs;
13.Preparation of personnel for a better child counseling and enforcing disciplinary measures in 55 schools;
14.Enhancement the papacity of officers to implement recruitment management techniques;
15.Leadership training: Upgradingordinary assistants to excellent ones; 16.Performance management: Enhancing performance in educational administration;
17.Creating a website: A workshop on CMS;
18.Fiscal Management Improvement: A transparent and accountable school administration;
19.The "play with them" project: Are you going to bring your people to the table or the party?
20.Preparing the annual report: A final step in educational administration.

All of these projects were implemented in one academic year using 3,000,000 Baht budget allocated from OBEC in Bangkok. I would like to bring the following question to your attention when taking a closer look at this list of projects.
"Why is there just one project that directly focus on improving teaching methods? Project # 8 deals with the Thai language teaching methods.
I would think this project is about finding best practices for teachers to emulate when teaching Thai in secondary schools. Would it be surprising for you to know the office is still in search of best practices in this area when we established and implemented several national curriculum since the time we had set up the Ministry of Education?
We still have not been able to perform our educational function better enough to have best practices to deliver our educational services!
In a summary report of 2013 - 2014 project management, there are 29 projects designed and implemented by the office.
They are divided into areas as follows:
1.Personnel training;
2.Internal quality assurance;
3.Improving School-based management using six indicators;
4.Training towards AEC: A visit to a sister school;
5.Curriculum development: An appraisal of a school and local development curricula;
6.Supervisor Training;
7.Training of Personal skills in information technology;
8.Development of the Thai language teaching methods;
9.Art and craft fair to support technical expertise;
10.Sport and game events to promote physical education;
11. Live experiences related to principles of self-sufficiency economy; 12.Health education to fight drugs;
13.Preparation of personnel for a better child counseling and enforcing disciplinary measures in 55 schools;
14.Enhancement the papacity of officers to implement recruitment management techniques;
15.Leadership training: Upgradingordinary assistants to excellent ones; 16.Performance management: Enhancing performance in educational administration;
17.Creating a website: A workshop on CMS;
18.Fiscal Management Improvement: A transparent and accountable school administration;
19.The "play with them" project: Are you going to bring your people to the table or the party?
20.Preparing the annual report: A final step in educational administration.
All of these projects were implemented in one academic year using 3,000,000 Baht budget allocated from OBEC in Bangkok. I would like to bring the following question to your attention when taking a closer look at this list of projects.
"Why is there just one project that directly focus on improving teaching methods? Project # 8 deals with the Thai language teaching methods.
I would think this project is about finding best practices for teachers to emulate when teaching Thai in secondary schools. Would it be surprising for you to know the office is still in search of best practices in this area when we established and implemented several national curriculum since the time we had set up the Ministry of Education?
We still have not been able to perform our educational function better enough to have best practices to deliver our educational services!
วันอังคารที่ 3 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557
Educational Administration In Kalasin : Episode 1
Today we will look at the educational administration in Kalasin using the structural functionalism as our framework to analyze the existing system.
The Education Management in Kalasin follows the principle of centralization of power because almost all educational entities are closely linked to and controlled by the center - the Ministry Of Education. The Office of Basic Education Commission or OBEC in Bangkok, which is under the Ministry of Education, controls aspects of educational administrations in Kalasin.
Regarding physical structure, Kalasin is divided into three primary education area offices looking after educational administration in nurseries and primary schools in each service area. The Secondary Education Commission Office Area 24 (SESA 24) oversees all secondary schools in the province. Vocational education administration is also under the centralization of power. It supervises various institution in this field, such as technical college, polytechnic institutions, vocational colleges and the College of Fine Arts and Drama of Kalasin.
All of these institutions, except the College of Fine Arts and Drama, are under the administration of The Commission for Vocational Education in the Ministry of Education.

Three higher education institutions or universities in Kalasin are under the control and supervision of the Commission For Higher Education in Bangkok. A Buddist university has set up an extension in the province to keep pace with secular education too. Its administration has been under the Ministry of Education and is also under tight control by the Sangha administration.
Informal and non-formal education for those who are not able to further their studies in the formal educational system managed by the Informal and Non-Formal Education Department under the Ministry of Education.
There are also schools under the administration of local governments in the province. Seven primary schools located in Kalasin town were set up and had managed by the Kalasin Municipality, which is a local self-government. The other 11 primary schools which are extended to cover the needs for secondary education services in their area are under the administration of Kalasin Provincial Administration Organization (PAO). It is important to note that Tambon Organizations and rural area municipalities aka Sub-district Municipalities, throughout the province have set up their kindergartens to cater for children in their locality and their vicinity.
Private educational administration in the region is under The Primary Education Commission Area Office #1.
From the analysis above you can have a rough sketch of education in a far province and gain a better understanding of the present structure of educational administration in Kalasin.
When we meet next time, I will throw some light on the functions of educational administration in Kalasin.
The Education Management in Kalasin follows the principle of centralization of power because almost all educational entities are closely linked to and controlled by the center - the Ministry Of Education. The Office of Basic Education Commission or OBEC in Bangkok, which is under the Ministry of Education, controls aspects of educational administrations in Kalasin.
Regarding physical structure, Kalasin is divided into three primary education area offices looking after educational administration in nurseries and primary schools in each service area. The Secondary Education Commission Office Area 24 (SESA 24) oversees all secondary schools in the province. Vocational education administration is also under the centralization of power. It supervises various institution in this field, such as technical college, polytechnic institutions, vocational colleges and the College of Fine Arts and Drama of Kalasin.
All of these institutions, except the College of Fine Arts and Drama, are under the administration of The Commission for Vocational Education in the Ministry of Education.
Three higher education institutions or universities in Kalasin are under the control and supervision of the Commission For Higher Education in Bangkok. A Buddist university has set up an extension in the province to keep pace with secular education too. Its administration has been under the Ministry of Education and is also under tight control by the Sangha administration.
Informal and non-formal education for those who are not able to further their studies in the formal educational system managed by the Informal and Non-Formal Education Department under the Ministry of Education.
There are also schools under the administration of local governments in the province. Seven primary schools located in Kalasin town were set up and had managed by the Kalasin Municipality, which is a local self-government. The other 11 primary schools which are extended to cover the needs for secondary education services in their area are under the administration of Kalasin Provincial Administration Organization (PAO). It is important to note that Tambon Organizations and rural area municipalities aka Sub-district Municipalities, throughout the province have set up their kindergartens to cater for children in their locality and their vicinity.
Private educational administration in the region is under The Primary Education Commission Area Office #1.
When we meet next time, I will throw some light on the functions of educational administration in Kalasin.
วันจันทร์ที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557
Yaku in Kalasin, Is it a senoir monk or just a kind of dessert?
Phra That Yaku, a Davaravadi stupa dating back to 23rd - 14th century Buddhist Era, is situated in Ban Sema, Kamalasai District, Kalasin Province. It is about 19 kilometers from town center. People believed the relic of a revered Buddhist monk were inside. It measures 10 meters long and 10 meters wide. At it apex it is 8 meters. It is the largest chedi within the ancient city of Fah Daed Song Yang, which appears in the provincial slogan or the highlight of the province. The brick, octagonal chedi bears traces of overlapping constructions during three ancient periods. The indented square base, facing north, south, east, and west with staircases and stucco decoration from Davaravadi period. The superimposing octagonal base is a common characteristic of chedis of the Ayuthaya period. The body and spine replicated those built in the Rattanakosin period. Boundary markers are containing low - relief depicting the life of the Lord Buddha planted around the chedi. Phra That Yaku was proclaimed an ancient monument in the Government Gazette, Volume 54, on 3 January 1937. The monument boundary covering an area of approximately 11,400 square meters was declared later in the Government Gazette in 1982.
The annual celebration has been held here from April to May. In the year of 2014, the party started yesterday, which was the Visakha Buja day. I have informed a lot of people took part in the ceremony. Some participants took part by offering free of charge meals for the general public who come to pay respect to the chedi of the Yaku or Phra That Yaku. It is not a kind of dessert At this point I hope you have already known the meaning of Yaku.It means a senior monk. How to get there? From Amphoe Mueang Kalasin aka Mueang district take High Way #214 south towards Roi Et province. At Kamalasai District turn right onto Route 2367 (Kamalasai - Nong Pan - towards Maha Sarakham). Travel along the route about 7 kilometers and make a right turn to reach your destination.
The annual celebration has been held here from April to May. In the year of 2014, the party started yesterday, which was the Visakha Buja day. I have informed a lot of people took part in the ceremony. Some participants took part by offering free of charge meals for the general public who come to pay respect to the chedi of the Yaku or Phra That Yaku. It is not a kind of dessert At this point I hope you have already known the meaning of Yaku.It means a senior monk. How to get there? From Amphoe Mueang Kalasin aka Mueang district take High Way #214 south towards Roi Et province. At Kamalasai District turn right onto Route 2367 (Kamalasai - Nong Pan - towards Maha Sarakham). Travel along the route about 7 kilometers and make a right turn to reach your destination.
วันพุธที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2557
วันจันทร์ที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Sakkawan Temple at Phu Khum Khao (Dinosaur Museum)
Sirindhorn Dinosaur Fossil Museum
In Kala "Silk": A Passport To Kalasin", which is a little book printed in June 2007 by The Center For The Eradication Of Poverty (CTEP) in Kalasin Province, this precise information was mentioned.

For the archeological enthusiast, the abbot of the temple found prehistoric bones in about 600 different places and was able to reconstruct the bodies of 7 dinosaurs in this area.

As a tribute as well as to examine the findings, the government built a research
center to study the dinosaur remains.

The name Dinosaur Museum is now changed to Sirindhorn Museum to encourage cooperation and support among those who have deeply engrossed with the history of these gigantic reptiles.
In Kala "Silk": A Passport To Kalasin", which is a little book printed in June 2007 by The Center For The Eradication Of Poverty (CTEP) in Kalasin Province, this precise information was mentioned.
For the archeological enthusiast, the abbot of the temple found prehistoric bones in about 600 different places and was able to reconstruct the bodies of 7 dinosaurs in this area.
As a tribute as well as to examine the findings, the government built a research
center to study the dinosaur remains.
The name Dinosaur Museum is now changed to Sirindhorn Museum to encourage cooperation and support among those who have deeply engrossed with the history of these gigantic reptiles.
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